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    We provides always our best services for our students and always
    try to achieve making a bright successful future.
  • Start Learning For
    Successful Future
    We provides always our best services for our students and always
    try to achieve making a bright successful future.
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    Help Poor People
    We provides always our best services for our students and always
    try to achieve making a bright successful future.


Let's begin the change.....

K NARAYANA SCHOOL/SOCIETY is an elite service provider in the field of education for the past 30 years. we have been meta-morphing ourselves to the new challenges that comes our way in the field. we have the best range of choice in education for the children to face challenges in this swift changing world. We have various curriculum which is completely depend on student's capability. Our teachers will guide you in such a way that you can make the best choice that apts your child. We always strive beyond rote learning and mere academics, with a vision to transform a child to be a good and authentic human being.

Every journey (or) a change begins with a first step.

Make yours now.....

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Our Facilities



Our school has a designated line of school Buses which have speed governors/CCTV Camera/GPS-enabled. We make sure to assign a female attendant to each of our buses.



At The Heritage, sports and games curriculum is an integral and compulsory part of the education process. Sports help to build character and teach the importance of discipline in life.


Computer Lab

We have a state-of-art computer lab with the latest computers.We also allow students to self-study and research for their class projects under the supervision of our computer faculty.

Our Mission


Our Mission

EDUCATE - EMBRACE - ENHANCE -“To nurture inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young lifelong learners who are engaged citizens of our world through intercultural understanding and respect.”


Our Philosophy

In every child’s education many different areas need to be addressed.These include the cognitive, physical, artistic, social/emotional, and spiritual aspects of learning. So our aim is to develop young people to become active, compassionate and life-long learners who can help to create a better and more peaceful world.

Live the experience


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